Whilst working at 'Art In Action' Event over summer, I met a lovely women who created beautiful works of art onto found pieces of wood with a pyrography pen. She worked with the pen on different heats to create lines which came together to make tree's, or images surrounding nature. I spoke to her for a bit and she told me how it worked and how the machine worked that she had to apply the image to the wood.
A pyrographer I particularly like, is the work of Mixo Sydenham. He frames his work in wood which is lovely, but it also made me think about the layers which lye within wood which could be used in work someway. As it almost looks as though he's cut out the middle part of the wood to illustrate inside and keep the image safe - the idea of security and feeling safe/reassuring women through my work is important. It's also nice that he puts colour on them, I particularly like the colours in the bird image.

Dumitru Muardian works with more realistic looking images within pyrography, I particularly like the image below of a portrait:
From all the pyrographers I have been looking at it seems very clear that it all looks very traditional and the images are produced to look 'nice' and some to look very realistic and almost painting onto the wood.
I think that the marks which you can make with the pyrography should be utilised/made more contemporary and I want to learn how to use it in my own style, creating interesting marks/patterns and producing the work onto the wood, with a final image which I can liken to the painting that I do (in the same style).
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