Well below is the final photograph that we took, there will now finally be placed onto it a sticker with the title or the title will be placed as part of the image. Towards the end of the shoot Adam and I moved all the objects into a pile in the middle to perhaps make a contrasting back cover which still complements the front cover image.
Through the traumatic day we had yesterday it became apparent that we were trying to present the objects in a certain way and make them look 'nice', but that was not what was important. On reflection we realised that the objects represent themselves as the objects they are and the meanings they hold themselves...so us trying to put them and display them in an inventive way, then takes away the meaning of the objects. We then decided to just make it really simple as this then gives the objects a chance to be the object which they are. Although we needed the cover to have a degree of structure so decided that the structure and presentation would come from colour coding most of the objects and placing them down in a tidy and grid like formation. I think it works really well, communicating the broad and diverseness of the Visual Communications course, in a sophisticated way. It defines a lot of practices and projects if you look carefully at the objects...

We also made a stop motion of the objects disappearing, which could be used maybe as you walk into the exhibition? We shall see I guess, showing it to the year next week, so then the decisions will be made about how or what we use for the front and back images or whether to go with a graphically designed cover.
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