Well the first lots I've designed are using the lady which I painted which communicates well, my practice and style of working...

However I put this together in illustrator and it doesn't look right and the words are to small...although I've been thinking whether I really need the words on the sticker as anyone who has their jewellery bag sealed with a sticker will get a business card inside their bag with all my details on anyway. Therefore I can either take the words off or have the words on for design aesthetics and it doesn't matter if you can't read it to well.

A problem I came across was trying to hide the little dashes from distorting the key images which needed to be in front... I had to work to find out that I could create a new layer and use the pen tool, to then kind of mask the area off and then shuffle around the layers for it to work...

Although from printing them and looking at them more, I don't like them and want to try different images... as iconic the lady is above to my style I have other work that would look better on a circle sticker. The image of the lady is more beautiful when she's big and the image looks forced and bizarre on a circular sticker, make the image look very rectangular and blocky.
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