Tuesday, 15 March 2011


From wanting to produce illustrations or series of images which are bringing up issues within society, but wanting to put a humorous feel to them, I've begun looking at female comedians, to gauge how they go about commenting on such issues in a tasteful way, but a way that an audience can relate to which is why they find it funny. From talking in the group crit, I've realised that I want to bring up things and comment on things which most women think and don't say. I want to remind women of their subconscious activity, within their brains.

Sarah Millican.
Brilliant comedian, in this sketch she talks about loneliness and takes the piss out of it, something which many people feel. She also comments on women doing jobs around the home and how quickly they just want to get them done and also the irony of sex and boyfriends. Touches on the stereotype of men and the idea that she still wants to feel independent even though she has: 'I love you, we're having a nice time, but if we split up I'll probably be okay'. She also discusses how valentines card were different and everything was less up front years ago. 'Dying of a broken heart'.

'Trapped in a Bra'...

Jenny Eclair.
Again, a good comedian, particularly like her 'grumpy old women' show. It says what women are thinking or what they subconsciously do, which in turn makes the audience laugh. It does what I want to do in the way that it makes women think about their subconscious activity.

Josie Long.
She speaks on her outlook of the world and I just really like the way she describes things!

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