Wednesday, 9 March 2011


Firstly, I was interested in trying to explore what the difference between a book and a zine was... It seems that a zine is shorter, not as bulky and can be produced in any way thinkable. I like the idea of zines as you can produce them in lo-fi ways such as photocopying. This gives them more character. Another interesting concept of a zine, is that it is mostly not produced for profit. I like this idea, as with my illustrations I am putting together, it is more important that the subject be communicated well.

With my idea slowly coming together (well, formation of an idea, not the bloody work yet!), I have been
looking at all the little zines I can get my hands on and view via the internet. It's given me a wicked insight into how they come together and the kinds of ways people communicate serious, or humorous subjects in the right way. They've given me a lot to learn and think about. here are some I particularly enjoy:
Especially enjoy the form of this one, like a colour chart book, you can swivel all the images out...

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