Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Updated Tumblr:

I've been trying to post almost every other day, my creative activities... and am finding it really useful in getting feedback, on what people enjoy, what people don't enjoy and figuring out what people like aesthetically (drawing/painting wise) and also subject wise.

It is helping me to slowly develop my work and helps me in understanding how to put images together that people can relate to, find funny and me comforted by.
Here are a few bits, which I have been doing and have found that I have developed new ideas from:

Really enjoying this idea of inverting images, gives the image a completely different feel, this is something I could work on to learn how to give people a feeling of comfort, then conversely using techniques likes inverting images and manipulating them even more with colours to create an uncomfortable feeling. Such as the embarrassing moments which I want to capture in my books throughout a woman's' life.

I've been experiencing with-drawal symptoms from not creating any pattern recently, so I had a little play around with some rough Ideas to develop patterns...although I haven't had much feedback on the coloured ones. I've been enjoying painting patterns and then putting one singular image over the top, thus just creating patterned backgrounds for images, which I will continue to do.

I've been trying to practice this idea of narrative and making a series of images, putting them together to be understood. Been playing around with these painting I did. Not great, but it's a start...

Finally, I've been working straight onto coloured card and papers to introduce colour slowly to my work, as I'm not confident with colour at all. Working on paper, instead of a sketchbook gives you so much more freedom and doesn't feel as pressured. From research and from working on papers, I want to start collecting bits of interesting paper to work on, as I'm just as interested in texture as I am my drawings! Here are a couple...

However I feel that I might just start putting tiny sketchbook bits up there, which aren't put through photoshop yet, this gives people the chance to see it from sketchbook to final images and I think it's important for me look at how I work and how things come together, to teach myself!

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