Thursday, 10 March 2011

Preparing email for Illustrators.

Been thinking about what I want to include in this email as it needs to happen pretty soon in order to get some replys...
I've narrowed the topic down to be me wanting to understand more about the world of freelance and how these creatives go about their daily lives, working doing something they love.
Questions I've thought I might ask are:

- How would you describe what you do?
Ilustration is a broad discipline and I've found that many creatives have labelled themselves as something other than under that one category.

- Have you got any tips or things to be aware of as a freelance illustrator?
This should shed some light on whats to come...

- Is there any thing you would have done differently over the years?

- How do you go about getting work? Do you have an agent? How does having an agent work and what are your experiences with one like?
I really have no idea what to expect or how to go about getting work.

- How did you promote yourself to get where you are today?
How do these creatives get their work?

- Is there any form of work that you seem to be getting more regularly than others?
Is there any work which is in demand at the moment, or do they all have very different jobs?

- Have you ever worked with a client that gave you a suprisingly high amount of freedom to do what you wanted?
I'm not sure that you would get a lot of freedom?

- What has been your favourite project over the past year?

- Are there any sites you think i should be registered with or you'd recommend?
Getting yourself about and being involved in a lot seems key...

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